Key Considerations Before Selecting a Virtual Analyst

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In an era marked by escalating cybersecurity threats, the need for robust defenses is more critical than ever. Security teams, overwhelmed by these threats' increasing volume and complexity, are turning to innovative solutions such as virtual security analysts. These AI-powered assistants offer a range of capabilities, from threat intelligence gathering to security automation, providing invaluable support to overburdened security operations. However, selecting the right virtual analyst for your organization requires careful consideration of several key factors.

Defining Objectives

Start by clearly defining what you expect from a virtual analyst. Identify specific tasks and ensure the AI is tailored to address these effectively. Knowing exactly where you need the most help will guide your choice, ensuring the virtual analyst aligns with your operational needs.

Specializations to Consider

  • Threat Intelligence:Gathering and analyzing information about potential cybersecurity threats to predict and prevent breaches.
  • Threat Hunting:Proactively searching within your network for signs of malicious activity before they escalate into serious incidents.
  • IOC Enrichment:Providing additional context and data to indicators of compromise to enhance threat detection and response capabilities.
  • Analyst Co-pilot:Assisting human analysts by investigating and responding to security incidents, thereby enhancing decision-making processes.
  • Security Automation:Automating routine security tasks and workflows to improve efficiency and reduce the burden on human resources.
  • Staff Augmentation:involves supplementing your existing security team with additional expertise and capacity, particularly in areas that require advanced decision-support capabilities.

Performance Expectations and Compatibility

  • Evaluating Performance:Begin by reviewing case studies, customer testimonials, and performance metrics to gauge its effectiveness. This research will help determine if the virtual analyst can meet your specific requirements.
  • Security Stack Compatibility:Ensure the virtual analyst can integrate with your existing security tools. Some systems are designed to operate with specific products, which can simplify integration if you use those products. Alternatively, seek out flexible solutions capable of working across multiple tools.

Human Involvement

  • Oversight Required:Understand the amount of human oversight necessary to effectively leverage the virtual analyst. Some systems might require minimal human interaction, while others need more active engagement.
  • Balance of Automation and Human Input:Assess how well the virtual analyst balances automation with human decision-making, ensuring it enhances team efficiency without undermining control.

Vendor Support and AI Capabilities

  • Vendor Assistance:Inquire what support the vendor offers to address limitations of the virtual analyst. Determine your responsibilities regarding training the AI and managing its performance.
  • Core Capabilities:Check if the analyst can autonomously execute security tasks, adapt over time based on feedback, and improve its behavior and functionality in response to evolving security needs.

Testing the Virtual Security Analyst

Once you've evaluated the fit and are satisfied with the preliminary assessments, it's essential to move on to testing. Confirm whether the virtual analyst is available for a free or no-obligation trial period. During the trial, assess its usability, performance, integration, and overall effectiveness in performing the specialized tasks it is designed for.


Choosing the right virtual security analyst is a pivotal decision that can greatly influence your organization's cybersecurity stance and operational efficiency. By meticulously evaluating factors such as specific job requirements, system compatibility, the extent of human involvement, capabilities, and real-world trial experiences, you are positioned to make a well-informed decision that matches your organization’s unique needs and goals. To discover more about AirMDR virtual assistants—including the problems they solve, their key capabilities, or to arrange a free trial—please contact us.

Anthony Morris
AUTHOR: Anthony Morris

With over 25 years dedicated cybersecurity experience, Anthony specializes in SIEM, incident detection, incident response and security automation.

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