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Why Cybersecurity Leaders Should Prioritize Detailed Case Write-Ups

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Why Cybersecurity Leaders Should Prioritize Detailed Case Write-Ups


For most small-to-medium-sized businesses, managed detection and response (MDR) services are the frontline defense against ever-evolving threats. The quality, consistency, and thoroughness of case write-ups can vary significantly between MDR providers, and this variation holds significant importance—even when dealing with false positives. Here’s why leaders should request that their MDRs provide detailed write-ups and full transparency for every alert.

Ensure Accurate Triage

Comprehensive case write-ups for false positives demonstrate the efficacy of an MDR provider’s triage process. By meticulously detailing the events leading up to a flagged incident—including observed behaviors and the response actions taken—MDR providers showcase their commitment to accurately distinguishing false positives from true threats. This meticulous approach instills confidence in the MDR service’s reliability and minimizes the risk of overlooking genuine threats amid the noise of false positives, thereby enhancing the overall cybersecurity posture.

Building Operational Excellence

Thorough case write-ups serve as crucial training grounds for developing operational excellence within MDR services. Each comprehensive report reinforces the muscle memory required to handle true threats with the same level of diligence and attention to detail. By consistently approaching every incident with thorough investigation and documentation, MDR providers cultivate a culture of preparedness and accountability. This proactive approach not only improves the quality of incident response but also strengthens the organization's resilience and readiness against future actual threats by honing the skills and processes necessary to address them effectively.

Enhancing Scale and Efficiency through AI

Incorporating AI into MDR services dramatically scales the capacity to manage and analyze security alerts. AI-driven tools automate the initial phases of incident analysis, enabling faster identification of false positives and true threats. This automation allows security analysts to focus on more complex investigations, thus maintaining high-quality case write-ups while handling a larger volume of alerts. AI also brings consistency to case documentation, ensuring that every alert is processed with the same rigorous attention to detail, regardless of the volume or complexity of the alerts.

Defining Transparency in Alert Management

Transparency in alert management is crucial for fostering trust and enabling effective decision-making in cybersecurity operations. A transparent alert should comprehensively detail all aspects of the security incident, including the timestamp of the event, the systems and data affected, the specific security protocols that were triggered, and the categorization of the alert (e.g., false positive, true positive). It should also include a clear explanation of the reasoning behind the classification and the decision-making process, such as the evidence or patterns that led to the conclusion. Additionally, the alert should provide recommendations for further actions or preventative measures that could be taken to mitigate similar incidents in the future. This level of detail ensures that stakeholders are fully informed and can understand the context and implications of each security event, thereby enhancing the strategic response capabilities of the organization.


Leaders in cybersecurity must recognize the importance of quality case write-ups provided by their MDR provider. If you are not receiving quality investigations for every alert your MDR provider or SOC team investigates, it is a strong indicator they may be cutting corners. These write-ups not only showcase the provider's ability to accurately triage incidents but also contribute to building operational excellence and resilience in the face of evolving threats.


AirMDR leverages automation and AI technologies backstopped by live security analysts to provide a consistent and thorough investigation for every alert. If your current MDR provider’s reports leave you questioning the thoroughness of their investigations, it’s time to consider a switch. Discover how AirMDR’s rigorous case write-ups can enhance your cybersecurity resilience today and in the future. You can contact us here.

Anthony Morris
AUTHOR: Anthony Morris

With over 25 years dedicated cybersecurity experience, Anthony specializes in SIEM, incident detection, incident response and security automation.

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